
Category Subject Vol.(No.) Pages Authors Journal Year
Drug Design Liposome-Based Engineering of Cells To Package Hydrophobic Compounds in Membrane Vesicles for Tumor Penetration. 15(5) 2938-2944 Junsung Lee, Jiyoung Kim, Moonkyoung Jeong, Hyoungjin Lee, Unbyeol Goh, Hyaeyeong Kim, Byungji Kim, Ji-Ho Park Nano Letters 20150331
Drug Design The atypical mechanosensitive microRNA-712 derived from pre-ribosomal RNA induces endothelial inflammation and atherosclerosis. 4 3000 Dong Ju Son, Sandeep Kumar, Wakako Takabe, Chan Woo Kim, Chih-Wen Ni, Noah Alberts-Grill, In-Hwan Jang, Sangok Kim, Wankyu Kim, Sang Won Kang, Andrew H. Baker, Jai Woong Seo, Katherine W. Ferrara, Hanjoong Jo Nature Communications 20131218
Drug Design One target, different effects: a comparison of distinct therapeutic antibodies against the same targets. 43(10) 539-549 Hyunbo Shim Experimental and Molecular Medicine 20111031


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