The article written by prof. Seung Bum Park (Bicon PI) was published in Angewnte Chemie International Edition, one of the top chemistry Journal. Especially, it was selected as the front cover. Its title is ““Discovery and Target Identification of an Antiproliferative Agent in Live Cells Using Fluorescence Difference in Two-Dimensional Gel Electrophoresis”
글로벌프론티어사업 의약바이오컨버젼스연구단 2차년도 신규과제 공모계획(안)
BIOCON, 2012.04.03, News, Notice, public-notice, 바이오, 0I. 연구사업 공모계획(안)교육과학기술부 글로벌프론티어사업을 수행하고 있는 (재)의약바이오컨버젼스연구단에서 2차년도 신규 연구과제를 공모합니다. □ 공모개요 ○ 지원대상: 국가 연구 과제 수행에 결격 사유가 없는 자 ○ 연구기간: 년 단위로 심사 후 업적 평가 및 지원여부 결정 ○ 공모기간: 2012년 4월 17일 (화)까지 ○ 연구사업의 지원분야는 RFP 참조 ○ 제출서류: 연구개발계획서 1부 (10 페이지 이내) ○ 선정 평가시 내/외부 관련
Min Youn Park (in the Ph.D program) was awarded Young Scientist award in KHUPO.
BIOCON, 2012.04.02, News, Notice, ARS, park, program, public-notice, scientist, youn, young, 0In 2012 KHUPO (held by SNU), Min Young Park (in the Ph.D. program) was awarded Young Scientist award. He presented a poster about “Quantitative proteome analysis of lung cancer EMT (epithelial cell to mesenchymal cell transition) process to investigate ARS’s novel roles in metastasis” and got the award for it.
SNU-RIKEN workshop (5. 17~18, Nami island)
BIOCON, 2012.04.02, News, Notice, island), nami, public-notice, snu-riken, workshop, 0This coming may 17th to 18th, a workshop with Japan physico-chemistry lab (RIKEN) will be held in Nami island. The workshop is about “Discovering new medicines and bio-convergence”. It is a good opportunity to observe how RIKEN is handling bio-convergence and what differences do they have compared to SNU. I aniticipate to see many PIs in the workshop. A
The article published in Cell was nominated as ‘Faculty of 1000 BIology’.
BIOCON, 2012.03.29, News, Notice, biology, cell, nominated, public-notice, published, 0The article, which was published in cell recently, was nominated as ‘Faculty of 1000 Biology’. Faculty of 1000 Biology is the online database that searches for outstanding articles. The title of the article is “Human Leucyl-tRNA Synthetase Is an Intracellular Leucine Sensor for the mTORC1 Signaling Pathway.” Dr. Jung Min Han collaborated with Prof. Sung Ho Ryu (POSTEC) for the
A joint research paper with POSTECH accepted by Cell
BIOCON, 2012.02.24, News, Notice, joint, paper, postech, public-notice, research, with, 0Sung Ho Ryu, professor at POSTECH, and Jung Min Han, principal researcher at the integration core center, done a joint research and their paper was accepted for publication by Cell. The paper is entitled “Human Leucyl-tRNA Synthetase Is an Intracellular Leucine Sensor for the mTORC1 Signaling Pathway.” More information will be updated.
Professor Byung woo Han(Biocon PI)’s paper accepted by Structure
BIOCON, 2012.02.24, News, Notice, biocon, byung, han(biocon, paper, pi)'s, professor, public-notice, 0A paper of professor Han participated as a co-author has been accepted by Structure (IF 6.337), a sister magazine of Cell. More information will be updated.
연구단 PI, 서울대 한병우 교수 논문 Structure에 Accept
BIOCON, 2012.02.22, News, Notice, public-notice, structure, 0연구단 PI이신 서울대 한병우 교수님이 공동저자로 참여한 논문이 Cell 자매지인 Structure(IF 6.337)에 Accept 되었습니다.