
Collaboration work with Scripps and Hebrew University was introduced in Science Daily.

Two Nobel Prize laureates have newly joined to Biocon's Advisory Board+

Two Nobel Prize laureates have newly joined to Biocon’s Advisory Board

The 2012 inter-Academy Seoul Science Forum in November.

Dr. Jung Min Han got an award for Academic Excellency and Prof. Young Ho Jun for Cooperation.+

Dr. Jung Min Han got an award for Academic Excellency and Prof. Young Ho Jun for Cooperation.

2013 Inter-Academy Seoul Science Forum

10.15(월) BIOCON-ETC Joint Workshop+

10.15(월) BIOCON-ETC Joint Workshop

Dr. Tae Hee Kang publication was selected for the cover of JMB.+

Dr. Tae Hee Kang publication was selected for the cover of JMB.

Dr. Tae Hee Kang was published in JMB along with Commentary.


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