
(재)의약바이오컨버젼스연구단 공용물품(시약) 일반경쟁 입찰 공고- 공용물품리스트 파일 변경

(재)의약바이오컨버젼스연구단 입찰결과 공고

(재)의약바이오컨버젼스연구단 공용물품(시약 및 소모품) 일반경쟁 입찰 공고

Collaboration work with Scripps and Hebrew University was introduced in JACI.+

Collaboration work with Scripps and Hebrew University was introduced in JACI.

A new targeting drug got published in Nature.

Two Biocon publications were nominated for the top 10 in Korean Science Technology.

Prof. Sunghoon Kwon developed a QR code that can detect quack drugs.+

Prof. Sunghoon Kwon developed a QR code that can detect quack drugs.

A paper on a new ARS receptor was published in the Journal of Cell Science.

IDA: Integrated Database for Aminoacyl-tRNA Synthetases+

IDA: Integrated Database for Aminoacyl-tRNA Synthetases


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