Special Collection: Cell biology of infection and the immune response

강원대 정현석, 을지대 문지영, 카이스트 김필한 교수와 중앙연계 김상범 박사가 공동 연구를 통해 2017년 JCB에 발표한 논문이 Journal of Cell Biology special collection에 선정되었습니다.

논문명 : Caspase-8 controls the secretion of inflammatory lysyl-tRNA synthetase in exosomes from cancer cell. (2017. J. Cell Biol. https://doi.org/10.1083/jcb.201605118 )

Microbial pathogens have evolved diverse strategies to ensure their survival and replication, while host cells have complex mechanisms to detect infection and neutralize invaders. Understanding how cells mount an effective and measured immune response and the complex interactions between host and pathogens – for viruses, bacteria, and other microbes to evade the host’s immune response and for the host to detect, target, and eliminate the infection – is essential to understand the basis of various human diseases and develop appropriate treatments.

In this special collection, JCB Board member Craig Roy and Senior Scientific Editor Melina Casadio explore recent exciting JCB articles that delve into the cell biology and immunobiology of host/pathogen interactions. These papers include some of our most downloaded articles about the mechanisms of pathogen invasion and replication, innate immune signaling, and the determinants of the adaptive immune response. We hope you’ll enjoy this collection and look forward to your feedback on social media. Image courtesy of Leptin et al. See: Dynamics of in vivo ASC speck formation.


자세한 내용은 http://jcb.rupress.org/cc/special-collection-cell-biology-of-infection-and-the-immune-response?vsmaid=1404&vcid=6825 에서 확인하실 수 있습니다.



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