일시: 2015년 6월 12일(금) 오전 11시 장소: 융기원 9층 회의실 연자: 스탠포드 의과대학 이종협 박사 주제: “Reconstituting development of pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma using primary human pancreas duct cells”
2015.03.19 Queenstown meeting on molecular biology in Shanghai
BIOCON, 2015.03.23, Gallery, News, biology, meeting, molecular, queenstown, shanghai, 0<2015 Queenstown Molecular Biology Meeting> Date: 19 Mar 2015 – 20 Mar 2015 Place: Shanghai Guiguan Changrong Hotel, China 김성훈 연구단장님이 3월 19일부터 20일까지 진행된 2015 Queenstown Molecular Biology Meeting에 참석하셨으며, 중국 과기부 장관과 함께하는 만남의 시간도 가졌습니다.
Dr. Sunghoon Kim (Specially appointed foreign expert of the National Thousand Talents Program and Professor of Seoul National University, Korea) visited the National Center for Drug Screening (NCDS) and the Chinese National Compound Library (CNCL) between January 25 and 29, 2015. He delivered an invited lecture entitled “Exploration of the third generation cancer target” which received active responses among the