강창율, 김태성, 정연석 교수 세미나

Past, Present and Perspectives of Cancer Immunotherapy

 *날짜 및 시간 : 2016년 11월 28일 오후 3시

*장소: 광교테크노밸리 서울대학교 융합기술원 103호 세미나실 2.


3:00-3:40 강창율교수님(The Progress of Cancer Immunotherapy)

3:40-4:10 김태성교수님(AIMP1 as an anti-cancer agent based on its immunological roles)

4:10-4:25 Break 15분

4:25-4:55 정연석교수님 (Differentiation of effector and suppressor T cells)

4:55-5:15 Peter C. Goughnour (anti-tumor activity of GRS with dual edge, cancer-derived KRS secretion and its implication in tumorigenesis)

5:15-6:00 Free Discussion

6:00-8:00 Dinner


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