[안영하] Mouse_sample_preparation_for_western

This topic has 0 replies, 1 voice, and was last updated 16 years, 10 months ago by Seung Jae Jeong.

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    • #19009

      Seung Jae Jeong


      Mouse sample preparation for western

              1/31/01 by young-ha




      Eppendorf tube,ice 준비.

      Sampling해서 ice에 박은 후 -200C이하에 storage.


      1. blood 체취 0.6~0.8ml정도의 blood 뽑는다.

      -40C에 하루정도 두면 위에 노랗게 분리되어

      나오는게 serum이다. 이것을 분리하여 -200C storage

      2.     모든 tissue 떼어내어 eppendorf tube 넣은 다음,

      ice 박는다.-200C이하에 storage.

      Thyroid , Salivary gland , Thymus , Heart , Lung , Liver , Spleen,


      Pancrease , Dueodenom , Small intestine , Large intestine

      Rectumn , Kidney , Bladder , Adrenal gland , Lymph node

      Ovary , Artery , Brain (대뇌,소뇌(cereberum), 연수)

      Pituitary gland

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