[안영하] Immunocytochemistry_by_박광록

This topic has 0 replies, 1 voice, and was last updated 16 years, 10 months ago by Seung Jae Jeong.

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    • #19002

      Seung Jae Jeong



      1.      Prepare the block of tissue or embryo: cryo-section prep.

      A.    Fix tissue or embryo in 4% paraformaldehyde at 40C for 2hrs or O/N.

      4% paraformaldehyde 녹기 때문에 NaOH 2~3방울(적당량) 넣어 녹여준다.  조직을 4% paraformaldehyde incubation하는 time 조직의 크기를 봐서 결정해야 한다. 15day embryo 경우는 O/N, 보통은 2~4hr정도 incubation해준다. 너무 오래 담그면 조직이 굳기 때문에 주의.

      B.     Incubate in 30%sucrose in PBS at 40C for 1.5~4hrs

                  Sucrose 조직내의 물을 빼주고 OCT 침투하도록 해준다. 너무 오래 두면 조직이 변형되므로, 4hr 넘기면안 된다.

      C.    Cover the tissue or embryo with OCT compound: Miles thoroughly and store at -800C

      OCT 기포가 들어가도록주의

      2.      frozen tissue section

      3.      Make the coating slide …..그냥 사서 하는 낫지..

      1)      sink in aceton

      2)      Sink in 0.02%(v/v) Vectabond reagent (Vector laboratories)/ aceton for 5min

      3)      Sink in DEPC D.W

      4)       Dry at 500C

      4.        Reaction :HRP 방법을 (AP방법을 때는 다른 blocking regents 써준다.)

      1)      Bleached with 5% H2O2 for 10min to block endogenous peroxidase (in case of HRP)

      원래 protocol에는 4hr처리이나 , 4hr 이상 처리하면 기포에 의해서 조직이 떨어져나감.

      2)      Incubated in PBSTM for 2hr at R.T…. Blocking

      Triton :0. 1%, skim milk: 1%, with PBS

                   first Ab 따라 skim milk 넣는 조금씩 다르다. 4 0C에서 하는 보다 R.T에서 하는 효과적.

      3)      Treated with 10ug/ml of Ab in PBSTM at 40C for O/N

      때는 skim milk 있다. 40C에서 skim milk 침전되면 별로 좋으니까.

      1st Ab 상온에서 2hr 이상, 40C에서 O/N 주어야 . 오래 주는 좋다.

      4)      Washed with PBSTM for 20min, 5times at R.T.

      Skim milk 주는   background 낮게 해주겠지.

      5)      Treated anti-2nd antibody at 40C for O/N.

      상온에서 2hr 정도로도 Ok !.

      6)      Repeat step 4)

      7)      Color reaction with 3mg/ml 3 3’ diaminobenzen zidine, 0.5% NiCl2, 0.03% H2O2  in PBS.

      DAP(DAKO) 0.5% NiCl2 넣어서 사용.

      Option으로 eosin 처리하면, Smooth muscle cell purple staining되고 , PECAM brown으로 staining.

      l  DAP, DAKO pen, pharmingen 1st Ab.



      Whole mount immunohistostaining


          The Journal of Histochemistry & Cytochemistry 45(6): 883-893, 1997


      1.      Prefixed in 0.1M phosphate buffer

      2.      Incubated in fixing sol.(methanol :dimethyl sulfoxide =4:1) for 2hrs to O/N

      3.      Bleached (methanol :dimethylsulfoxide:30% H2O2 =4:1:1) for 2hr at R.T

      100% MetOH에서 영구히 보존됨.

      4.      80%à50à30% methanol with PBS hydration.

      5.      Blocked by incubating twice in PBSMT containing 1% normal goat serum and 0.2% BSA for 1hour at R.T                                                

                                                  ( 2nd Ab 따라서 결정 )            

      6.      Incubated with PBS MT containing 1st Ab (0.5ug/ml) O/N

      7.      Washed five times in PBSMT each for 1hr at 4 0C for the initial three washes and at R.T for the final two.

      8.      Developed by incubating 1ug/ml HRP-conjugated Ab O/N at 40C.

      9.      Washed with more than five exchanged of PBSMT including the final 20min wash n PBST at R.T

      Skim milk 들어가면 staining 깨끗이 안되므로 마지막 wash때는 넣어준다.

      10.  Soaked in PBST containing 0.05% NiCl2 and 250ug/ml diaminobensidine for 10`30min and hydrogen peroxide was added to 0.01%

          250ug/ml diaminobensidine대신 DAP사용.

      11.  Rinsed three or four times in PBST

      가볍게 dipping해서 rinse 하는 정도. 

      12.  Dehydrated in 100% methanol and stored at -200C until photographed.

      30%à50%à80%à100% methanol with PBS dehydration.

















      I.                   –700C 있던 slide R.T 3min 두면, OCT compound 녹는다.

      II.                PBS washing 5min, 3times.

      III.             3% H2O2 with PBS —-10min 처리

      R.T에서 tissue위에 3% H2O2 연속 처리 후에 10min standing .

      Endogenous peroxidase inactivation시켜줌. 거품 발생.

      IV.              PBS washing 5min, 3times

      V.                 20mg/ml PK 1/1000 dilution해서 370C에서 5min incubation.

      VI.              PBS washing 5min, 3times

      VII.           Blocking (3% BSA or skim milk with PBS), 20min

      VIII.        PBS washing해주기

      IX.               Primary Ab 처리.R.T, 2hrs.

      Reaction ice위에서 해주고 0.2mg/ml Ab stock 1/50(~1/500)으로 dilution해서 사용. With PBS.

      Para film으로 밀봉해서 dry되지 않도록 한다.

      X.                 PBS washing 5min, 3times.

      XI.               secondary Ab 처리.  30min, R.T.

      biotin 달려있는 Ab 사용. 농도는 보통 1:500.

      XII.           PBS washig, 5min, 3times

      XIII.        Streptavidin Peroxidase (1:500?)처리. 10min, R.T


      XIV.        PBS washing 5min, 3times.

      XV.           DAB 처리 10min, dark condition

      Imidazole buffer( H2O2 포함.) 1ml

      Chromogen (color reaction)  방울.

      XVI.   Running water washing. àPBS washing àD.W washing.


      àHematoxylin & eosin staining.

      1.      Hematoxylin staining ( 염색). 1min

      2.      running water washing —àPBS washing—à running water washing

      3.      mounting




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