[안영하] formalin-fixed_tissue

This topic has 0 replies, 1 voice, and was last updated 16 years, 10 months ago by Seung Jae Jeong.

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    • #19000

      Seung Jae Jeong

      Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA Vol.95, pp. 1224-1229, February 1998 Microbiology


      PCR analysis of tissue samples


      1.       Tissue samples: the formalin-fixed samples

      2.       DNA Extraction from Tissues.

      If the samples were embedded in small paraffin blocks

      A. block sample sterile scalpel blade 잘라서 single &thin shavings 얻는다. 각각을 sterile 1.5-ml microcentrifuge tubes 준비.

      B.      tube xylene 1ml 넣어  paraffin 침투 되어있던 tissue extraction 있다.  paraffin 용해될 까지 Room temp rocking shaker incubation.

      C.  Centrifugation at 12,000 X g, 2min, solvent 제거하고 pellet 얻는다.

      여전히 paraffin 남아있으면 xylene extraction 되풀이한다.

      D.  0.5ml ice-cold 100% ethyl alcohol inverting하여 wash.

      E.  2min, 12,000X g centrifugation. Ethyl alcohol 제거한다

      F   10 acetone으로 pellets suspension.

      G.  55 0C에서 air-dry시켜준다

      H.  Dried samples 150 freshly prepared solution suspension하여 370C에서 overnight incubation시킨다.

      I.  15sec, 12,000Xg centrifugation.

      J.       Supernant 950C, 10min incubation.(proteinase inactivation)

      K.      2min, 12,000Xg centrifugation.

      L.      Supernant -200C에 보관



      If the samples were just fixed with  formalin

      D.      tissue D.W wash해준다.

      E.      Kidney, liver같은 whole Tissue 잘게 잘라준다.

      F.       0.5ml ice-cold 100% ethyl alcohol10min 정도 inverting하여 wash.

      G.      5min, 12,000X g centrifugation. Ethyl alcohol 제거한다.

      H.      200 acetone으로 pellets suspension.

      I.        55 0C에서 air-dry시켜준다.

      J.       Dried samples 200 freshly prepared solution suspension하여 370C에서 overnight incubation시킨다.



      Solution preparation




      50mM Tris-HCl(pH8.5)

      1M (pH8.5)


      1mM EDTA



      0.1% Tween-20

      10%(40C,2ndAb box)


      Proteinase K (20mg/ml)





      K.  15sec,12,000Xg centrifugation.

      L.      Supernant 950C, 10min incubation.(proteinase inactivation)

      M.5min,12,000Xg centrifugation.

      N.Supernant -200C에 보관



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