[northern] Northern Hybridization for tRNA

This topic has 0 replies, 1 voice, and was last updated 16 years, 1 month ago by Seung Jae Jeong.

  • Author
    • #18955

      Seung Jae Jeong

      Northern Hybridization for tRNA


                                                                 Sep. 24. 2001.

      Joong-Won Lee




      *Sample preparation


      -Total RNA preparation


         a.RNA prep. by Trizol method(1)

         b.The pellet is dissolved in appropreate volume of 10mM NaOAc(pH4.5) 1mM EDTA or 250mM Tris-Cl(pH9.6). store at -70C0

         c.Control sample:deacylation:250mM Tris-Cl(pH9.6) incubation at 37C0 for 30min



      *Gel preparation


      -10% polyacrylamide(19:1), 8M Urea, 100mM NaOAc(pH5.0), 1X TBE.(2,3)


         a.12.5ml 40% polyacrylamide(19:1) / 24g Urea/ 1.66ml 3M NaOAc(pH5.0)/ 5ml 10XTBE

         b.Adjust the volume to 50ml with H2O.

         c.add 400ul 10% APS and 30ul TEMED





      -Running Buffer:1X TBE.

       Sample buffer:0.1M NaOAc(pH5.0)/ 8M Urea/ 0.05% XC,BPB(4)

         a.Sample buffer:RNA sample=1.5:1

         b.running for 5hr at 500V. 





      -Electronic transfer/transfer buffer:40mM Tris-acetate pH8.1

         a.Semi-dry transblotter 3hr (width X length = mA)



      *Labeling of antisense oligonucleotides


      -Probe Labeling:gamma32P end labeling:incubation at 37C0 for 30min

      a.phosphorylation reaction

      oligonucleotide 100ng(2ul)/

      gamma-32P ATP(3ul)/

      nuclease-free water(3ul)/

      T4 polynucleotide kinase(10unit/ul)1ul/

      Incubation at 37C0 for 30min

      stop the reaction by adding 1ul of 0.5M EDTA

      b.removal of unincoporated label

         sephadex G-25 column



      *UV crosslinking and Hybridization


      -UV crosslinking the transferred nylon membrane

      -Hybridization sol:30% formamide/ 5Xdenhardt′s sol/ 5X SSC/ 0.1% SDS

         a.prehybridization:add 100ul ssDNA(10mg/ml stock) to 10ml hybridization sol and incubation at 37C0 for 2hr

         b.hybridization:add probe and incubation at 37C0 for 17hr

      c.washing and expose:

      2X SSC(0.1% SDS)/ 1X SSC(0.1% SDS)/ 0.1X SSC(0.1% SDS) 




      1.      Anal.Biochem. 1987.    161:156-158

      2.      P.N.A.S. 1987.         84:2185-1051

      3.      J.B.C. 1991.           266:24712-24718

      4.      M.C.B. 1996          16:907-913




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