Cell melting, passing & freezing

This topic has 0 replies, 1 voice, and was last updated 16 years, 1 month ago by Seung Jae Jeong.

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    • #18941

      Seung Jae Jeong

      Cell melting, passing & freezing


      melting written by 김형준


      1. dissolve stock(Hela 신 good in LN2). rapidly at 37℃


      2. 10㎖ media in a 15㎖ C.tube .


      3. dissolve cell mix (1㎖) with 10㎖ media.


      4. gently up & down. (to remove DMSO)


      5. centrifuge at 1300rpm, 3min, RT.


      6. suction of media. (the pellet are cells)


      7. add 5㎖ of new media & prepare a 100Ø dish containing 6㎖ media.


      8. gently pipetting 17~20 times up&down.


      9. add the 5㎖ continnig cells into a 100Ø dish.


      10. culture




      1. after 24 hour as doing above, have to pass that other dishs.

      (when confluency 70~80%)


      2. resuspension with 5㎖ media.

      ․ 5~6 drops into a 100Ø(1ea) . that′s gonna be 40~50% confluency.

      ․ all of the last into 150Ø(1ea)


      3. when the 150Ø is 80% conf. , passing it into 150Ø ,2ea for feezing

      (the 100Ø → continue to passing for experiment)




      1. preparing of feezing media.

      (10%DMSO , 10% FBS , 1% Antibiotics in DMEM media)


      2. cell trypsinization. (at 37℃ , 3min)

      ․ suction of the old media

      ․ PBS washing 2ea (5㎖)

      ․ add 2㎖ Trypsin-EDTA (100Ø dish = 2㎖ 150Ø dish = 5㎖)

      ․ incubation at 37℃ for 3min.


      3. resuspension with feezing media.

      ․ 100Ø , 80% conf. → feezing media 4㎖

      ․ 150Ø , 80% conf. → feezing media 8㎖


      4. aliquot 1㎖ into cryobial.


      5. transfer it into a cryotank which contains isopropyl alcohol.

      (decrease 1℃)


      6. keep it in the -70℃ deepfreezer. ( 〉4hrs)


      7. transfer it into the LN2 tank.

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