[mouse work] PCR analysis of paraffin embedded tissue

This topic has 0 replies, 1 voice, and was last updated 16 years, 1 month ago by Seung Jae Jeong.

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    • #18918

      Seung Jae Jeong

      PCR analysis of paraffin embedded tissue

      1.xylene I, II, III, IV………………………..  >5min respectively (dewaxing)

      2.Aceton…………………………………….  2~3times dipping

      3.70→80→90→95→100% EtOH……….   각기 10min. (rehydration)

      4. Running tap water washing……………   10min

      5. D.W I…………………………………..    5min

      6.D.W II………………………………….    5min

      7.D.W III…………………………………   >10min.

      8. Scratching and transfer into E.tube. ; 6 tissue slice 칼로 긁어서 얻는다.

      9.mix in 1% SDS solution (total 50) and add proteinase K(final concentration 400/ml)




      50      100


      10% SDS

      1% SDS

      5       10

      Proteinase K

      10mg/ml P.K


      2.5     5




      42.5  85

      10.incubate in 480C, overnight

      11.Add proteinase K(final concentration 400/ml) and incubate in 480C, overnight

      12.tissue 완전히 녹은 것을 눈으로 확인한다.

      13.purify with Phenol/chloroform (Amresco)

        :DNA양이 적은 관계로 chloroform :isoamylalcohol(24:1) phenol보다 2배가 되도록 추가한다. 그리고 DNA solution양의 1/2 되도록 Phenol/chloroform 넣는다……..vortex.

      14. Centrifuge at 12,000 rpm for 5min

      15.Collect the Supernant and add chloroform: isoamylalcohol(양은 Supernant양의 1/2)…vortex

      16.Centrifuge at 12,000rpm for 5min

      17.Collect the Supernant

      18.Add 1/10 volume 3M sodium acetate and 2 volumes 100%EtOH

      19.Incubate at -700C for 1hour~

      20. Centrifuge at 12,000rpm for 15min

      21.Discard and washing with 70% EtOH

      22.Centrifuge at 12,000rpm for 10min.


      24.Resuspend with 20 TE buffer.

      25.PCR(경험상 ㎕당 25~100ng정도 되므로 양을 잴 것 없이 바로 PCR한다.)



      조직이 완전히 녹은 것을 확인한다.

      조직의 양에 따라 마지막에 녹이는 양을 조절한다.


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