[cell biology work] Primary_cell_culture

This topic has 0 replies, 1 voice, and was last updated 16 years, 2 months ago by Seung Jae Jeong.

  • Author
    • #18909

      Seung Jae Jeong

                                                                                                      9. 22.20

      Primary cell culture

      < materials >

      1.     A-1X PBS with 2X antibiotics (2ml of Ab/100ml)

      2.     Trypsin-EDTA with 2X antibiotics (2ml of Ab/100ml)

      3.     10%FBS-EMEM media with 2X antibiotics (10ml of Ab./500ml)

      4.     Autoclaved-blue tip & yellow tip

      5.     sharp forcepts, scissors, 100% EtOH, Alcohol lamp, Stero-Microscope, illuminator etc..




      1. anethesize the mouse with avertin

      2. open the mouse abdomen in clean bench

      3. take the uterus into 100mm dish with 20ml of A-1X PBS

      4. washing briefly X 2ea

      5. separate the each embryo into different 35mm dish with A-1X PBS

      6. washing briefly X 2ea

      7. remove the placenta and discard

      8. uncover the both sacs and colletc into E.tube (for western or PCR)

      9. washing briefly X 2ea

      10. discard 1X PBS

      11. chopping the embryo with mess blade or syringe

      12. add 1 2ml of Trypsin-EDTA with 2X antibiotics and pipetting (X10ea)

      13. transfer the above sol. into 50ml C.tube

          — repeat 5 13 steps for each embryo, as soon as possible

      14. shaking incubation at 37C, 30min (or 1hr)

      15. centrifuge 2000rpm, 5min

      16. remove Trypsin-EDTA (dontt discard pelltet and jelly-like clots)

      17. directly add – 6ml of 10%FBS-DMEM containg 2X antibiotics (for small embryo) and pipetting 20ea

                      – 12ml of                                                        and      

      18. transfer the above media into 50mm dish or 100mm dish

      19. follow the normal culture method.

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