[cell biology work] Wounding_Migration_Assay

This topic has 0 replies, 1 voice, and was last updated 16 years, 2 months ago by Seung Jae Jeong.

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    • #18908

      Seung Jae Jeong

      Wounding Migration Assay


      1.      Gelatin(1mg/ml)-coated dish cell 심는다.

      2.      cells 90% confluence 갖을 면도날로 Wounding 해준다.                                     :먼저 면도날을 수직으로 세워 reference line 표시되게끔 해준 , 면도날을 가볍게 눕혀 아래로 5mm 정도 그어내려간다. *scratch 생기지 않게 조심해서.

      3.      SFM washing 해준다.

      4.      growth media 1mM Thymidine + vechicle or sample 첨가한다.

      5.      Incubation for 16~24hrs

      6.      staining                                                                                                                        : Fixation (Methanol1min)                                                                                Giemsa solution 5 min à DW washing

      7.      관찰한다.

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